Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the ULTIMATE weekend...

okay so last weekend was really crazy!! but definately a blast all the way around...this may be another really long post. sorry guys i'm not a person of few words.... okay so first off friday night was mormon prom. that's right. i had the privledge of spending a solid 6 hours with the infamous michael. one problem though...none of the pictures that my grandpa took do michael total justice, so i'm gonna wait to post one, because he's supposed to email me some pictures later. i want one that he's smiling in, and that goofy goober wasn't smiling in any of the pictures that grandpa got.

uh. and for all you st. davidites...SD prom sucks! we got to go to a gorgeous museum where they fed us dinner (from a professional caterer) and then we got to look through the museum and they had fondue and a good DJ and karaoke and plus there were people walking around making amazing balloons for free (i got the little mermaid.) This is a caricature that we waited in line for like an hour for. if you think that looks like me then you can assume that that is what michael looks like, but if you don't think that looks like me, then you can assume that he looks nothing like that. anyways...

anyways...more about prom another time...

sunday the 3rd i went to the twilight convention "twi tour" with heather and zach and rachelle and scott. it was so CRA-CRA-CRAZY!!! first off, i've never ever seen any one so hot in person. check him out!

that's right! that does indeed say "To Elise <3 the good Dr"
you can tell by my dork face that i was totally twitterpated ;) turned out that alice wasn't their, so laurent was their instead. he was super nice and stuff but he looks kind of stoned in my pictured. that's okay though. it's still a picture with him.

i also got to take a picture with emmett, and mike newton with there but who the heck cares about mike. lol uhm well emmett's picture will come, and same with prom pics. anyways it was super fun to see heather zach rachelle scott and the girls. we don't see any of them often enough. it's was nice to have time with heather where their wasn't a million siblings running around and being able to talk to her one on one and get to know her better and understand her better.



Alison said...

Hee hee hee. Dude, where do I start?!

Dude, I was gonna say something and I don't remember what it was.

Dx How frustrating!

Ashley Jones said...

Elise! It sounds like you had a blast. That picutre with the Doc is awesome. I love how he signed it too, and I think you look totaly cute in the pic. I also like the LDS prom drawing, the prom sounds like one of those crazy fun proms that you only see in movies! Sweet! Hope everythig is going good. Love Ya!

RaCHELLE HuRD said...

we had SO much FUN in cali! thanks for your help in hosting us! i was sooooo sad that i didn't get to tell you goodbye. :( i don't know how we both didn't put 2 and 2 together before we went to bed that night. anyway, here's an e-hug ***SQuiNCH*** hehehe. looks like you had an awesome time at Dland with Cam & Rob! hopefully we get to see you again sometime soon! miss ya tons.

Heather K said...

You look like a ROCKSTAR! It was such a fun trip! Zach is such a good vacation planner! I too really enjoyed our little talk and LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

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